Monday, August 3, 2020


If you order your custom term paper from our custom writing service you will receive a perfectly written assignment on Diversity. What we need from you is to provide us with your detailed paper instructions for our experienced writers to follow all of your specific writing requirements. Specify your order details, state the exact number of pages required and our custom writing professionals will deliver the best quality Diversity paper right on time.

Our staff of freelance writers includes over 120 experts proficient in Diversity, therefore you can rest assured that your assignment will be handled by only top rated specialists. Order your Diversity paper at affordable prices with Live Paper Help!Some of the typical reasons diversity training does not work well in organizations are outlined below. If your organizations initiative did not do as well as you expected, assess whether your training was affected by any of the following

Poor Timing. The training may have come at a time when employees were preoccupied with more urgent priorities. Stress, because of downsizing and the accompanying fear of job loss, increased workload, or a specific conflict or negotiation with a union might have been much more critical. During such periods, staff is usually functioning at the survival level on Maslows hierarchy and diversity may not even be a blip on their radar screen, hence their irritation that time and resources are taken up with training.

Outside Intervention. If employees perceive that external forces such as a court order or a politicians decree have prompted the training, they are apt to resist. They generally resent the ensuing training that they view as payment for others sins and see it as an instrument of their torture. They sometimes feel they are being sacrificed to meet objectives they do not necessarily agree with while their own needs continue to be ignored.

Training Approach. Some of the backlash may be due to the training approach itself. If the initiative poses some as perpetrators and others as victims, there is apt to be defensiveness among those who feel blamed. All white males, for example, are not at the top of corporations. Many, working on shop floors and in offices across the country, feel just as misused and blocked by their organizations as do women and people of color. Many will react with defensiveness if they feel unjustly accused in a confrontational, youre the enemy approach.

Affirmative Action Paradigm or a Narrow Definition of Diversity. If diversity is seen as the domain of a few groups, people of color and women, for example, everyone else may feel left out and view the initiative as being for others, not them. A broader definition that includes individual aspects such as educational level and parental status as well as organizational dimensions such as management status or division/department creates an umbrella that is big enough to cover everyone. In this framework, everyones issues would have a valued place. For example, both a white male hourly employees view that his input is not valued, and an immigrants perception that her accent has blocked her promotion, would be included among the issues to be addressed.

Once the reasons behind the backlash have been determined, you will be in a better position to move ahead. The following are strategies you might consider to rebuild credibility and generate support

Work on systems obstacles first. Address some of the organizational barriers that you have discovered in your needs analysis. Creating a more flexible benefit or leave package, or changing the dress code, can be ways to acknowledge the different needs and preferences of staff. Opening the promotional pathway through job postings or mentoring for those who desire upward mobility are other examples of systems changes. Responding to staffs real concerns before asking them to change through training can show real organizational commitment.

Get input from backlashers. Hold a focus group to listen to the views and issues of those who found fault with the training or who reject diversity. Find out their concerns and needs. See if there are any ways the organization can respond to their issues or deal with their frustrations. Once they feel their own concerns have been addressed, they might open up to other diversity issues.

Get broader support. Create a diversity council that is representative of a diagonal cross section of employees to get a range of views and attitudes. Include staff who represent the resistors, those who are skeptical of anything called diversity. They can become the most powerful allies if they have buy-in. As informal opinion leaders, when they see diversity in a new light, they can influence others who have been resistant. They can also give critical input in planning future diversity interventions.

Explore offering just in time training and provide it in other formats. If additional knowledge and skills are needed, find ways to deliver it that do not rely on traditional training in a group setting. Perhaps one-on-one coaching to help managers deal with diversity challenges or interventions at a team meeting to help work groups overcome obstacles to effectiveness can be more relevant and specific ways to train with staff. This focuses and customizes training in an immediately applicable way.

You can turn backlash into a benefit when you use it as an opportunity for learning and then take what has been gained to create new credibility and commitment for your diversity intervention.

Please note that this sample paper on Diversity is for your review only. In order to eliminate any of the plagiarism issues, it is highly recommended that you do not use it for you own writing purposes. In case you experience difficulties with writing a well structured and accurately composed paper on Diversity, we are here to assist you.Your cheap custom college paper on Diversity will be written from scratch, so you do not have to worry about its originality.

Order your authentic assignment from Live Paper Help and you will be amazed at how easy it is to complete a quality custom paper within the shortest time possible!

Friday, July 31, 2020

How the Americans understnd th equality of the sexes

If you order your custom term paper from our custom writing service you will receive a perfectly written assignment on how the Americans understnd th equality of the sexes. What we need from you is to provide us with your detailed paper instructions for our experienced writers to follow all of your specific writing requirements. Specify your order details, state the exact number of pages required and our custom writing professionals will deliver the best quality how the Americans understnd th equality of the sexes paper right on time.

Our staff of freelance writers includes over 120 experts proficient in how the Americans understnd th equality of the sexes, therefore you can rest assured that your assignment will be handled by only top rated specialists. Order your how the Americans understnd th equality of the sexes paper at affordable prices

How the Americans Understand the Equality of the Sexes.”

The American democracy holds its strength in having separate branches in the government. As it began to survive soon after its creation, Alexis de Tocqueville traveled from France to the new states and viewed the social differences between them and Europe. In 185, Tocqueville published thoughts in Democracy in America. In it he compares and contrasts the men and women of Europe and the States. In his passage â€How the Americans Understand the Equality of the Sexes,” he clearly states that man and woman to be completely different things, each with their own â€lines of action.”(408) His written passage describes men and women on different paths, but having both the attributes of strength and intelligence, shown greater respect, and have a greater respect for their duties than Europeans.

In the early eighteen hundreds European women displayed themselves as helpless individuals needing men to be their brains and their brawn. Tocqueville writes; â€They are entitled to show themselves futile, feeble, and timid” (40). The European women of his era were not intellectually educated, but educated on being frivolous and silly so to as attract a husband. To the writer’s delight, American women are, in his view, both intellectually and morally superior to their European counterpart. He also writes that women of America also show a great deal of understanding and energy and sometimes â€show that they have the hearts and minds of men” while carrying on a delicate appearance (408). He goes on to say that men never doubt the courage of women though it is not in the same direction as that of a man. Tocqueville esteems these women in knowing that they have the capacity to discover their truths and is confident of that fact.

The men of the democratic country show a lot respect and trust in the understanding of the female mind and of her respective world. Tocqueville is uplifted by the respect that men give to women in reverence of their duties. He points out that both sexes have respect for the others office and that â€they consider them both beings of equal value”. The respect is reflected in the fact that women are never made to go beyond domestic employments, no matter how poor is not made to perform rough labor in the fields. Women’s virtue is also respected in that the crime of taking it from a woman not merely a fault but a capitol offence in the States. The honor of a woman is much less embraced in French culture. In America rape is a capitol offence, Tocqueville states â€In France, where the same offence is visited with far milder penalties, it is frequently difficult to get a verdict from the jury against the prisoner” (40). Both men and women show regard equally for the others duties and honor, though they are not the same.

Do my essay on how the Americans understnd th equality of the sexes CHEAP !

The women of America are hard working and respect their duties as a both a wife and a daughter. Tocqueville holds that women do not deny men their right to direct his family as â€the natural head of the conjugal association of man”. Much like the president at the head of the democracy, a man rules in the head, though the woman’s duties are no less important. Women of the states, in conflict with Europeans, take pride in the surrender of power and usurp their rights willingly. Women take this â€yoke” as a duty and boast of it. â€Such at least, is the feeling expressed by the most virtuous of women” (408). Thus American women never deprive society by acting like â€seductive but imperfect beings” and take on their domestic responsibilities as an intrinsic part of society. He writes that women’s virtue in strength of duty is by performing her own duties to the best of her ability (407).

Much like in the American government, the greater work of society may be carried on by carefully dividing the duties between the relevant groups. Thus while social inferiority exists this society has done much to raise the intellect to the perspective level of man. â€His partner [women] ought not to always exercise their intellect and understanding in the same manner, they at least believe the understanding of one to be as sound as that of the other” (410). Women of the States know their place and like it. They do not act feeble. They are strong, intelligent women subservient only to men, and never neglecting their duties.

Please note that this sample paper on how the Americans understnd th equality of the sexes is for your review only. In order to eliminate any of the plagiarism issues, it is highly recommended that you do not use it for you own writing purposes. In case you experience difficulties with writing a well structured and accurately composed paper on how the Americans understnd th equality of the sexes, we are here to assist you.Your cheap custom college paper on how the Americans understnd th equality of the sexes will be written from scratch, so you do not have to worry about its originality.

Order your authentic assignment and you will be amazed at how easy it is to complete a quality custom paper within the shortest time possible!

Thursday, July 30, 2020


If you order your custom term paper from our custom writing service you will receive a perfectly written assignment on macbeth. What we need from you is to provide us with your detailed paper instructions for our experienced writers to follow all of your specific writing requirements. Specify your order details, state the exact number of pages required and our custom writing professionals will deliver the best quality macbeth paper right on time.

Our staff of freelance writers includes over 120 experts proficient in macbeth, therefore you can rest assured that your assignment will be handled by only top rated specialists. Order your macbeth paper at affordable prices !Lady Macbeths Character in Macbeth


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Lady Macbeths Character in Macbeth

Cheap University Papers on macbeth

Macbeth Lady Macbeths Character

Lady Macbeth is a controversial figure. She is seen by some as a woman of strong will who is ambitious for herself and who is astute enough to recognise her husbands strenghts and weaknesses, and ruthless enough to exploit them. They see her in her commitment to evil and in her realisation that the acquisition of the Crown has not brought her the hapipiness she had expected, and finally, as one who breaks down nuder the strain. Others see her as a woman ambitious for her husband whom she loves. She recognises the essential good in him, and feels that, without her, he will never win the Crown. She allies herself with the powers of darkness for his sake, but here inherent(congenital) femininity beraks down under the strain of the unnatural murder of Duncan and the alienation of her husband. She is seen as simple and realistic where Macbeth is complicated and imaginative. She can see what must be done; he visualises the consequence.

There is a vast difference between Macduffs O gentle Lady Tis not for you to hear what I can speak The repetition in a womans ear Would murder as it fell. ACT II, Sc.ii and Malcolms assessment of her as a fiend-like queen (Act IV, Sc.vii). So we must examine the text. To Macbeth, in his letter to her, she is his dearest partner of greatness, an indication of love and trust. We see her as she analyses his virtues and weaknesses and decides to overcome his scruples, hie thee hither That I may pour my spirits at thine ear Is there any evidence here as to why she wishes him to be king?

Overcome By Ambition - When she calls on the powers of evil to unsex her and make her cruel, does this imply that she fears her own womanliness and realises the unnaturalness of the murder of Duncan? Is she, like Macbeth just an ordinary human being overcome with ambition? Does she really lose her womanliness? Do the words(Act I, Sc. ii) Had he not resembled My father as he slept, I had donet imply that she is still a woman with a womans tendernesss? Does she show herself strong willed and more determined than Macbeth, Act I, Sc.vii, as she argues and demands his agreement to the murder? Is she alloy by exploiting his love for her when she makes his consent to murder a test of his love? Is she being cynical when she inverts logic and reality in asking him if he is afraid to be what he wants to be and in suggesting that to be a true man he must take what he wants? Must she take some of Macbeths guilt here? In the murder scene (ActII, Sc.ii) she resorts to wine to give her courage. Does this also show that she has not been filled from top to toe with direst cruelty? She is aware, too, that dwelling on the moral aspect of the murder will make us mad.

The Better Criminal? - She seems to be the better criminal; she remembers the details that Macbeth has overlooked, Why did you bring these daggers from the place? and shows her as she brings the daggers back. Does she really despise Macbeth when she argues him of wearing a heart so white? Or is she afraidfor him that he may betray himself? In Act II, Sc.ii, when she calls for help does she do so because of her feminie weakness, or is she afraid that Macduff may question Macbeth further as to his killing of the chamberlains? If the latter, does it again illustrate her quick thinking?

Unhappiness - In Act III, Sc.ii, Lady Macbeth is coming to realise that the Crown has not brought happiness, Noughts had, alls spent, Where our desire is got without content. Is she suffering from remorse here, or does she think that the murder of Duncan has alienated Macbeth from her? How now, my Lord! Why do you keep alone? Is she worried that he is unhappy? She tries to console him, whats done is done. and to rally his spirits. She again shows her presence of mind in the Ghost scene when he becomes unmanned, but then, she does not see the Ghost. She uses the old stragedy of appealing to his manliness, but without success. When the guests have departed she does not upbraid Macbeth, but makes excuses for him that he lacks the season of all natures, sleep. Does this show her gentleness and compassion towards him? Or does she feel that further argument would be useless?

The Sleep-Walking Scene - We do not meet her again until this scene. She has now been reduced to a poor,mad creature, broken by events. Our last view of her is her delusion of nearness to Macbeth. Is there a stress on her sense of guilt, her despair and, perhaps still, her determination? Macbeths few words about her (Act V,Sc.v) may be uttered in an indifferent tone, or even with a sense of something already lost. In the end, perhaps, we feel guilty for her, but we may still remember what appeared to be hardness and cruelty.

Please note that this sample paper on macbeth is for your review only. In order to eliminate any of the plagiarism issues, it is highly recommended that you do not use it for you own writing purposes. In case you experience difficulties with writing a well structured and accurately composed paper on macbeth, we are here to assist you.Your cheap custom college paper on macbeth will be written from scratch, so you do not have to worry about its originality.

Order your authentic assignment and you will be amazed at how easy it is to complete a quality custom paper within the shortest time possible!

Wednesday, July 29, 2020


If you order your research paper from our custom writing service you will receive a perfectly written assignment on Superstition. What we need from you is to provide us with your detailed paper instructions for our experienced writers to follow all of your specific writing requirements. Specify your order details, state the exact number of pages required and our custom writing professionals will deliver the best quality Superstition paper right on time.

Our staff of freelance writers includes over 120 experts proficient in Superstition, therefore you can rest assured that your assignment will be handled by only top rated specialists. Order your Superstition paper at affordable prices

In The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn Jim and Huck use and believe in many superstitions. There are many examples from the book that show this in the characters. Most of the superstitions are very ridiculous, but some actually make a little sense. In the first example, Huck seen a spider was crawling on his shoulder and he flipped it off and it landed in a lit candle. It shriveled up and died. Huck said it would fetch him some awful bad luck. He got up and turned around three times and crossed his breast every time. Then he tied up a little lock of his hair with a thread to keep witches away. He says that the ritual he did was for losing a found horseshoe and did not know if it would work. These superstitions and remedies seem pretty far-fetched and it is hard to say where they originated, but I would have to say they originated down South. I think it originated down south because I am from up North and I have never heard any one speak of those superstitions. Huck believes in these probably because he grew up with them and they were always taught to him and he is so ignorant he does not know better. One morning Huck turned over the saltcellar at breakfast. He went to throw the salt- cellar over his left shoulder to cancel the bad luck, but Miss Watson stopped him. All day he wondered when something would fall on him and what it would be. This all implies that Huck thinks something is going to fall on him, because of his accident. I have heard about bad luck from spilling salt so I think this Superstition started in the North or maybe it was just popular and spread quickly. I do not believe there is hardly any fact at all to this. Huck believes in this probably because of the way he grew up. Jim said when young chickens flew a yard or two at a time and lighting it was a sign that it was going to rain. He thought if birds did it, it would be the same. Also Jim said if you caught one of them you would die. He thought this because his dad caught one and got sick and his grandmother said he was going to die. His father did die. These superstitions do have a little credibility. I think they originated because some birds do fly in patterns when it is going to rain or storm. The part about his father dying might have a little credibility, but it is kind of stretching it. Maybe his dad caught the bird and ate it without cooking it all the way, or maybe the bird was infected and killed Jims dad. Jim probably believed in the bird story about his dads death because he experienced it first hand. Jim also said you should not count the things you are going to cook for dinner, because that would bring bad luck. The same if you shook the table the table-cloth after sundown. He said if a man who owned a beehive died, the bees must be told before sun-up of the next morning or the bees will die. These superstitions are all nonsense and having nothing to do with anything. I think Jim believes this because he does not know any better. He experienced some Superstitions first hand and that is probably why he believes in them. The previous superstitions probably originated out of stories told wrong, exaggerated, or people kept jazzing up stories to make them interesting, until they turned into nothing, but nonsense. Jim says if you have hairy arms and a hairy chest then you are going to be rich. This originated probably from a few rich men who were hairy. They probably told people they were rich because of their hair and since they had the money to endorse their ideas people believed them. Money can buy many things, it can also make normal people understand and believe things they usually would not of. Jim probably believed this because maybe his former master or masters were rich and were hairy. He was also hairy and had money at one time. At the end of the book he became free and Tom gave him $40, which supported Jims theory. Huck grabbed a rattlesnake skin, which was the worst luck Jim and Huck ever encountered. This superstition has good size of fact to it to. It probably originated because people like Huck picked up their skins and kept them in their bags or played tricks on the friends, like Jim. The mates probably came and defended their mate, by attacking the victim who had the rattle-sake skin. The superstition probably got stretched a little out of proportion, but I think a good deal of it is real. Huck and Jim probably believe in the bad luck caused from touching the snakes skin because they experienced it too. When Huck played that trick on Jim, I am sure Huck became a believer of the bad luck. Jim also said he would rather look at a new moon over his left shoulder a thousand times instead of touching a snake skin again. This superstition might have originated from people looking over their shoulder and then they probably stumbled and fell or ran into something. Huck and Jim probably believe in this because it makes a good deal of sense to.

Please note that this sample paper on Superstition is for your review only. In order to eliminate any of the plagiarism issues, it is highly recommended that you do not use it for you own writing purposes. In case you experience difficulties with writing a well structured and accurately composed paper on Superstition, we are here to assist you.Yourpersuasive essay on Superstition will be written from scratch, so you do not have to worry about its originality.

Order your authentic assignment and you will be amazed at how easy it is to complete a quality custom paper within the shortest time possible!

Tuesday, July 28, 2020

X Engineering

If you order your custom term paper from our custom writing service you will receive a perfectly written assignment on X Engineering. What we need from you is to provide us with your detailed paper instructions for our experienced writers to follow all of your specific writing requirements. Specify your order details, state the exact number of pages required and our custom writing professionals will deliver the best quality X Engineering paper right on time.

Our staff of freelance writers includes over 120 experts proficient in X Engineering, therefore you can rest assured that your assignment will be handled by only top rated specialists. Order your X Engineering paper at affordable prices with !X-Engineering

Article Review

X-Engineering sounds like something out of an Extreme Sports magazine or television show.In a way, it is.X-Engineering is a competitive new way to run organizations to compete in today's economy.Author James Campy shared his ideas on how to reengineer a corporation using X-Engineering in his recent book "X-Engineering the CorporationReinventing Your Business in the Digital Age".

Champy states that it is imperative for an organization to have a brilliant idea and share their ideas amongst their peers."Billions of dollars could be saved if companies shared processes with customers and suppliers that are now essentially redundant. The future belongs to companies that recognize the primacy of relationships in the networked marketplace(Lynn).He also states that if your company creates the idea better than anyone else, it really will not matter if your competitors know what you are doing.

Champy also spoke about the importance of the use of global resources and the Internet, both of which are critical to make boundary-crossing connections.Another important factor is making sure that the organization is 100% onboard before attempting X-Engineering.Internal processes must be prepared for this change as well.

Relation of Article To Readings

Different types of managers can use X-Engineering in different ways with in their organization.The theories behind X-Engineering are simple.Reduce internal costs, eliminate redundant processes, focus on customers needs (both present and future).Depending on the manager and the level at which they work, different things can be done to put this process to work.

Top-level managers are most likely those who will need to bring the X-Engineering to light with in the organization.This is not something that can be brought about by lower level employees.These managers can commit to changes that are required for X-Engineering the organization, plan how the process will work with in the organization, and set the plan in motion with lower level management.

The lower level management will put the plan into action.They will openly look for ways to cut costs, eliminating redundant processes with in the organization, and looking for lower cost out sourcing of some processes.

The first level managers will work with the customers.They will find out the current and future needs of the customers.These needs will help determine the way that the organization reinvents itself.

All parts of management will in some way affect the way that the organization is reinvented.With out the cooperation of all parts of the organization, and 100% backing by the top level, X-Engineering will not work.

X-Engineering At Work At Iowa State Bank

I think that in this new economy, many organizations are in some way reinventing them selves, using X-Engineering or other methods.I believe that X-Engineering is something that is taking place with in the company that I work for.Whether they know it or not, many of the pieces of X-Engineering have already been implemented or are currently in the works.

Redundant processes have been cut at Iowa State Bank.In the past there have been multiple answers to the same questions, depending on how one would go about asking.Sometimes a client would apply for an account or loan at one location and be denied, while at another location the application would be approved.Much depended on the relationship between the client and the banker.If the banker knew the client from an outside organization, the chances of that person receiving a loan where much higher than that of a new client that is completely unknown by the banker.

Today, lending and account opening decisions are made primarily based on an outside company's report about the client.Experia provides a fast, convenient decision-making process that helps the bank be consistent and fair.Experia also helps Iowa State Bank to cut costs and losses.Decisions from Experia are based on credit history, OFAC status, and other important credit related information.All of the factors taken into consideration help the bank know if the client in front of them will be a risk.

The Bank has many different other procedures that have been outsourced at a lower cost.All of these things help to make the Bank more profitable.

Recommendations For Iowa State Bank

I would recommend that Iowa State Bank continuously look towards the future in the way that we use outsourced processes and procedures.I believe that there are more options that could be explored in order to save money, time and eventually make this bank the envy of all of the "small banks" in central Iowa.

Works Cited

Lynn, Jacquelyn."Management Invent New Business Practices By

Crossing Boundaries Going Beyond Survival In The Digital Age."

Commercial Law Bulletin. Mar/Apr 00. Vol. 17.40, .University Of Phoenix Online Collection.

Please note that this sample paper on X Engineering is for your review only. In order to eliminate any of the plagiarism issues, it is highly recommended that you do not use it for you own writing purposes. In case you experience difficulties with writing a well structured and accurately composed paper on X Engineering, we are here to assist you.Your cheap custom college paper on X Engineering will be written from scratch, so you do not have to worry about its originality.

Order your authentic assignment fromand you will be amazed at how easy it is to complete a quality custom paper within the shortest time possible!

Monday, July 27, 2020

Supermanrights Macbeth

If you order your cheap custom essays from our custom writing service you will receive a perfectly written assignment on Supermanrights Macbeth. What we need from you is to provide us with your detailed paper instructions for our experienced writers to follow all of your specific writing requirements. Specify your order details, state the exact number of pages required and our custom writing professionals will deliver the best quality Supermanrights Macbeth paper right on time.

Our staff of freelance writers includes over 120 experts proficient in Supermanrights Macbeth, therefore you can rest assured that your assignment will be handled by only top rated specialists. Order your Supermanrights Macbeth paper at affordable prices

ØPredestined as foretold by the witches' prophesythane of Cawdor and king

ØGiven the new title by King Duncan

ØKills Duncan and becomes King

ØSafe until Birnam Wood moves to Dunsinane HillMalcolm's army using tree branches as cover

Write my Essay on Supermanrights Macbeth cheap

ØNone of woman born may kill Macbethbut Macduff can

ØBeware Macdufffloating head represents Macbeth's head



ØKills Banquo

ØKills Macduff's wife and kids

Roxanne character development hm...

Roxanne point of view, well tis a play

Roxanne diction ^_~ well shakespeare writing i have no idea how that relates to fate

Roxanne symbolism... what would the owl killing the falcon represent?

Roxanne satire, none, imagery - guess thats like the symbolism thing i said

Roxanne irony... hm.... where lady macbeth says its so easy to get rid of the blood with water but she ends up going crazy

davis_tu ic ^^;

Roxanne character development - loyal and trustworthy, then becomes confused and unsure, then cruel and powerful

"The False Friends" by Dorathy Parker

Dorothy Parker wrote "The False Friends" in 16.This poem is split into four different stanzas with four lines each.It is written with alternating 8 syllable and 6 syllable lines.This poem is about friends that aren't really your friends and the rhyme scheme of the poem is abab, cdcd, efef, ghgh.

The theme of this poem is a friend that you think is your friend, but in reality, this friend isn't always there for you when you need someone.Then the speaker uses irony to present her own cynical nature.Friendship is something that we all need because it keeps us from feeling lonely.The poem is written from the author's point of view and she must have felt betrayed when she wrote the poem.The use of the first person enables the author to express her feelings directly from the poem.The first two stanzas of the poem show the narrator believing that her friends would always be there for her.The line "And time could heal a hurt, they said" shows the speaker believing her friends could hearl her wounds."And time could dim a vow," shows how her friends promised her that everything would be fine and she believed them.This can be interpreted as the speaker looking for support because something bad had happened in her life.These two stanzas build up the suspense while the last two stanzas answer it.The speaker discovers that her friends had lied to her, but she also realizes that she doesn't really need them.Although it took her an extra month, she still felt better, without her friends' support.This shows the narrator's cynical nature as she says in these lines "For June was nearly spent away before my heart was whole," that she felt better without her friends.

This poem presents a somber mood throughout because of the sadness in the speaker's life, but then this mood turns to one of irony and sarcasm as the speaker makes jokes about her friends.A main subject of the poem is time and how many believe that time can heal all wounds.Personification is used with time because time is an intangible object and it can't literally "hear a hurt" or "dim a vow."The speaker of the poem hopes that "time" will be able to heal her wounds like her friends said and it did, but the irony of this is that she didn't need her friends to feel better.The last two stanzas of the poem are where the speaker tells that she is able to heal her wounds without her friends.Her friends weren't there for her when she needed them, so she decides to be alone and this is just fine for her.The line "to come to me with lies" is where the speaker expresses her anger at her "false friends."The most powerful words in this poem are "time" and "lies."We usually don't associate our good friends with "lies," but the speaker feels that her friends lied to her and is angry.Her cynical attitude shows itself as she jokes around about "friendship" and that she is much better than her friends because she can help herself.The change in the mood happens in between the second and third stanzas when the speaker changes from a person that has a lot of confidence in her friends to a person that is angry with them and feels confident without them.It is as if she loses her hope right there and the poem changes from a friendly and somber voice to an angry one.Friendship is an element that everyone needs and the speaker of this poem tells of this importance through a bad experience with some of her own.

Dorothy Parker - The False Friends

They laid their hands upon my head,They stroked my cheek and brow;And time could heal a hurt, they said,And time could dim a vow.And they were pitiful and mildWho whispered to me then,The heart that breaks in April, child,Will mend in May again.Oh, many a mended heart they knew.So old they were, and wise.And little did they have to doTo come to me with lies!Who flings me silly talk of MayShall meet a bitter soul;For June was nearly spent awayBefore my heart was whole.

Please note that this sample paper on Supermanrights Macbeth is for your review only. In order to eliminate any of the plagiarism issues, it is highly recommended that you do not use it for you own writing purposes. In case you experience difficulties with writing a well structured and accurately composed paper on Supermanrights Macbeth, we are here to assist you.Your cheap research papers on Supermanrights Macbeth will be written from scratch, so you do not have to worry about its originality.

Order your authentic assignment and you will be amazed at how easy it is to complete a quality custom paper within the shortest time possible!

Friday, July 24, 2020

Columbia and Canada

If you order your custom term paper from our custom writing service you will receive a perfectly written assignment on Columbia and Canada. What we need from you is to provide us with your detailed paper instructions for our experienced writers to follow all of your specific writing requirements. Specify your order details, state the exact number of pages required and our custom writing professionals will deliver the best quality Columbia and Canada paper right on time.

Our staff of freelance writers includes over 120 experts proficient in Columbia and Canada, therefore you can rest assured that your assignment will be handled by only top rated specialists. Order your Columbia and Canada paper at affordable prices


-Canada and Colombia have had unbroken bilateral relations since 15

-Canadian involvement has intensified in recent years through high-level visits,

oAn evolving development assistance program

Cheap University Papers on Columbia and Canada

oA growing source-country refugee program

oSecurity sector cooperation

oCooperation in the area of landmines

oConnectivity initiatives

oHealthy trade relationship.

-Since 1, there have been unprecedented levels of senior-level contact between Canada and Colombia

-Former President Pastrana made the first-ever state visit to Canada by a Colombian president in May 1, and attended the Summit of the Americas in Quebec City in April 001.

-The January 000 visit by former Minister Lloyd Axworthy to Colombia was the first by a Canadian foreign affairs minister in 18 years. Since 000, there have also been visits by International Trade Minister Pierre Pettigrew and former Secretary of State (Latin America and Africa) David Kilgour. In February 00, following 11 months of public hearings in Ottawa, members of the Parliamentary Standing Committee on Foreign Affairs and International Trade (SCFAIT) travelled to Colombia to gain greater insight into the human rights situation there.

Canada supports a negotiated solution to the Colombian conflict, and participated in peace talks with the FARC during the Pastrana administration as one of the Group of 10 facilitator countries. Concrete steps by the illegal armed groups to reduce the violence are essential for progress towards peace. Canada condemns terrorists acts and violations of international humanitarian law regardless of which actor commits such acts.

The Canadian International Development Agency (CIDA)

allocates $8-10 million a year through all channels to Colombia.

The objectives of Canadian development assistance in Colombia include

1.increasing Colombian capacity to meet the basic human needs and protect the human rights of people affected by the armed conflict;

.supporting equitable participation in establishing the foundations for peace; and

.improving Colombian capacity to address some of the key factors that cause and intensify violence.

CIDA has contributed a total of $1.8 million to the offices of the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights (UNHCHR) in Bogota, Cali and Medellin since 1. New projects supported in 00 include a five-year, $5 million project to support the displaced in northeastern Colombia, and $.5 million for two, three-year projects that promote peacebuilding and conflict resolution with children and adolescents. DFAITs Human Security Program is also supporting the work of the UN Secretary Generals Special Adviser on Colombia ($00,000 in 001-00), as well as conflict resolution training for Colombian youth through YouCan! Peacebuilders International.


Given Canadas unique position as a bilingual country of the Americas, there is great interest among Colombians in Canadian culture. This interest has been fostered by a series of Canada Days carried out by the Embassy which feature Canadian foods, films and art exhibits, and provide information on immigration, educational opportunities in Canada, bilateral trade, ethical investment, and Canadian foreign policy.

April 00 marks 50 years of Canada-Colombia relations and a number of cultural events are being planned to celebrate the anniversary. The Embassys current aboriginal art and Inukshuk photographic exhibits have travelled extensively throughout Colombia, and the Embassy will be launching the anniversary with a new art exhibit under the theme of multi-culturalism. A second Cine Canada film festival is being planned to follow up on the success of last years inaugural festival. In May, the Banff Mountain Film Festival will be screened in Bogotá, Medellín and Cali. The anniversary year will close with the publication of a book on the history of Canada-Colombia relations.


Colombia is Canadas fourth largest trading partner in South America after Brazil, Venezuela and Chile. Canadian exports to Colombia in 00 totalled $4. million, a 6.5-per-cent decrease over the previous year. Imports from Colombia in 00 were $1.5 million, a 5.7-per-cent decline over 001. Canada supplies approximatelyper cent of Colombias imports. Canada has been a leading foreign investor in Colombia, primarily in the oil and telecommunications sectors, with direct investment totalling $86 million. The largest Canadian investment to date was the OCENSA pipeline project, led by Enbridge International and valued at nearly US$1 billion. As a member of the Andean Community, Colombia signed the Canada-Andean Community Trade and Investment Cooperation Arrangement in May 1. Canada has entered into preliminary discussions concerning an FTA with the Andean Community. This is a political signal of confidence and support for Colombia which will benefit economic development and provide alternative employment opportunities away from illicit drugs.

Please note that this sample paper on Columbia and Canada is for your review only. In order to eliminate any of the plagiarism issues, it is highly recommended that you do not use it for you own writing purposes. In case you experience difficulties with writing a well structured and accurately composed paper on Columbia and Canada, we are here to assist you.Your cheap custom college paper on Columbia and Canada will be written from scratch, so you do not have to worry about its originality.

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Thursday, July 23, 2020

Argumentative...Seniors are discriminated in the media

If you order your research paper from our custom writing service you will receive a perfectly written assignment on Argumentative...Seniors are discriminated in the media. What we need from you is to provide us with your detailed paper instructions for our experienced writers to follow all of your specific writing requirements. Specify your order details, state the exact number of pages required and our custom writing professionals will deliver the best quality Argumentative...Seniors are discriminated in the media paper right on time.

Our staff of freelance writers includes over 120 experts proficient in Argumentative...Seniors are discriminated in the media, therefore you can rest assured that your assignment will be handled by only top rated specialists. Order your Argumentative...Seniors are discriminated in the media paper at affordable prices

There are many mornings when I wake up early and watch some TV, in fact I watch TV a lot. What I can not stand are those hideous commercials that devalue the elderly, and make them look slow and weak. These commercials make me, as the person watching, feel sorry for them. It makes me dread becoming old, because I do not want to be as helpless and devalued as they appear on the TV.

My body shakes as I watch that elderly woman fall down in her living room. She reaches her head up and screams those famous words that most people joke about "Help, I have fallen and can not get up." This shows that all old people fall a lot and they are completely helpless. The commercial could have shown a middle age person falling. Just because a person is elderly, does not mean that he/she are always falling and screaming for help.

Sealy Prostropedic has a commercial that advertises their new bed. This new bed goes up and down with the click of a button that is conveniently located at the side of the bed. This bed is good for people who have trouble sleeping, or those who have bad back problems. In the commercial, the Sealy corporation has an elderly couple laying in a regular bed, complaining and whining that it is uncomfortable. Then in the next scene, the same old couple is lying in the Sealy bed, and they are all of a sudden magically cured, lying comfortably. This commercial shows a common stereotype, that old people are commonly bed ridden, with bad health problems. It also shows that old people are bitter, lying in bed complaining until they get what they want. I know that my dad, who is a middle aged man, always has back problems, and is always complaining that his back hurts. The Sealy Company might be able to make some more money, if they advertise to a wider range of audience. A middle aged person might feel old and bad about themselves if they have to buy a bed that old people stereotypically use.

People die everyday, old people, teenagers, kids, adults. However, the Garden Life Insurance commercials, there is always an old woman crying about how she can not afford the funeral costs of her husband, who dies suddenly. This insurance covers the family after someone dies. This commercial devalues the elderly by telling them that they will be dying soon. Once again, a middle aged mother or father could die, and he/she need life insurance as well to make sure that everything is taken care of.Custom Essays on Argumentative...Seniors are discriminated in the media

The Alka Seltzer commercials show an old man who has heartburn. In fact, all of the heartburn medicine commercials predominately show an old man who is in massive pain which is due to their heartburn. Many people from the ages of 18 on get heartburn. We all eat something wrong sometimes, but the commercial sells to the older generation, because they tend to be seen as sick and weak.

Another frightening commercial that devalues the elderly is Depends underwear. Depends is a brand of diaper or pad for the elderly that have accidents. The commercial shows old people who need to wear diapers. This is a very embarrassing thing for an elderly person to admit they have to do. This commercial is very rude and immature to show on TV. This is also an example of why some people are scared to become old, because of this sort of helplessness.

These commercials strike a nerve inside of me. I think of my poor grandfather who lives all the way in Washington state. He does not have a wife, or any of his family nearby. It is him by himself in a nursing home. When I see these commercials, I picture my grandfather screaming in pain because of his heartburn. I can also picture him attached to a posturepedic bed, because his back hurts too bad to sleep in a regular bed. It makes me sad and angry. The insurance commercials show an old person all alone in the world. These commercials, although effective to the general audience, show a weak side in the elderly. Most elderly people are not even in that bad a condition and they do not need to be treated negatively.

Elderly people have played a big part in our world. Without them, we would not even be here today. Some of these people have fought for our country, taught us lessons, gave us jobs, entertained us, built our homes, and protected us when we were young. These people should be respected and honored because they are probably wiser than we will ever be. The elderly have seen the world through some of the toughest times, times that we will never be able to compare. The elderly do not need to be shown as weak, sick, and crabby. They are people too, and deserve to have positive commercials targeted to them. The elderly are stronger than we will ever know, and for that, they deserve the utmost of respect.

Please note that this sample paper on Argumentative...Seniors are discriminated in the media is for your review only. In order to eliminate any of the plagiarism issues, it is highly recommended that you do not use it for you own writing purposes. In case you experience difficulties with writing a well structured and accurately composed paper on Argumentative...Seniors are discriminated in the media, we are here to assist you.Yourpersuasive essay on Argumentative...Seniors are discriminated in the media will be written from scratch, so you do not have to worry about its originality.

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Wednesday, July 22, 2020


If you order your custom term paper from our custom writing service you will receive a perfectly written assignment on Contacts. What we need from you is to provide us with your detailed paper instructions for our experienced writers to follow all of your specific writing requirements. Specify your order details, state the exact number of pages required and our custom writing professionals will deliver the best quality Contacts paper right on time.

Our staff of freelance writers includes over 120 experts proficient in Contacts, therefore you can rest assured that your assignment will be handled by only top rated specialists. Order your Contacts paper at affordable prices with Live Paper Help!Contacts

Question 1

Joe Tanis


Crystal Springs Golf Reserve


Sparta, NJ 07871

Sparta Mountain Reserve

I chose this man has a contact of mine for a key reason.Golf has been an interest of mine since I was young, and Joe Tanis knows many people in the golf community and has many connecetions within the east coast golf destinations.

Tom Zanteich

Director of Human Resources

Craft Foods

Franklin, NJ 541

45 Lakeview Road


Tom Zanteich is my best friends father and has been an employee with kraft foods for the past decade.He was recently promoted to Director of Human Resources for his branch, and does very well, and has many connections with representatives of kraft.

Rob Fiorittie


Sparta Plumbing and Heating

Sparta, NJ 07871

10 Warren Court


Mr. Rob Fiorittie is a local plumber.He has many clients throughout town, and maintains a good reputation within the community.Through his clients he receives many benefits.

Tom Lupo

Insurance Agent

State Farm Insurance

Sparta, NJ 07871

1 Woods End Court


I chose Tom Lupo as a connection for the reason that he has made claims with many important clients and has connections with powerful people.

John Malone

Contract Assistant

Lockheed Martin

Stabert, Florida 8764

46 Creek Avenue


John Malone is my uncle and has worked with Lockheed Martin for the past twelve years.In this time he has managed to become close friends with the head representatives of the company and maintain a good status within the company.

Mary Mombert


Brooks Brothers

Sparta, NJ 07871

155 Alpine Trail


Mary Mombert is my girlfriends mother.She has been the head buyer for major fashion companys, she currently works for Brooks Brothers and is the head buyer for the east coach. Through her line of work she has met many important people in the fashion industry, and this is why I feel she is a good contact.

Edward Wickens


Wickens Firm

Oak Ridge, NJ 0875

65 Spring Brook Trail


Edward Wickens is a local attorney, who holds a good name in the community.He has worked with many clients and has many connections with town officals and judges, so for this reason he made it on my list of contacts.

Paul Heckman

Mortgage Banking

Dean Witter

Sparta, NJ 07871

46 West Shore


Paul Heckman is a friend of my family, who works in Mortgage Banking.He recently has made himself a nice sum of money and works with extremely exclusive clients.He has connections with large businesses.

Steve Gloria


Skylands Medical

Sparta, NJ 07871

46 Green Road


Steve Gloria is an assistant in my fathers practice.He has many patients throughout the community and represents the town council as well.

Jim Kevil

Car Dealer

Kevil Cheverolet

Sparta, NJ 07871

54 Farmbrook Road


Jim Kevil owns a local car dealership in my county.He has done business with most of the surrounding businesses and well always give the customer the benefit of the doubt.That quality alone makes him apart of my list of contacts.

Wayne Cornerelius


J & Sons

Ledgewood, NJ 0876

Pike Street


Wayne Cornelius is a friend of the family and works as a contractor.He has done business with many of the premier businesses within my area, and continues to maintain a stable business while pleasing his clients.

Karen Specs


Lake Mohawk Dentistry

Sparta, NJ 07871

75 Fickle Avenue


Karen Specs works has a local dentist.She nearly does dental work on everyone in my town and pleases everyone.She has many connections with all types of people, this is why she is a contact I chose to include.


Future opportunities that I plan on taking advantage of that will give me the opportunity to further my list of contacts include a semester abroad (I would like to transfer to the Johnson & Wales in Sweden and see what Europe has to offer), an internship (this is something I would like to do and hopefully would give me the opportunity to advance in my career), Community Service ( I plan on completing a certain amount of community service and through this I may meet people that will be able to help me in different areas of life.)


In the past I have found a job through networking.My fathers dad knew a man who needed help in his landscaping company and was able to talk to the man and get my friend and I summer jobs.Another incident where networking was used was when I had gotten arrested.My father knew a friend who is in prison for life.He brought me to the jail and sat me down and had his friend talk some sense into me.This helped me to mature and change my ways of being devious.This goes to show me that networking is a valuable tool in all aspects of life.

Please note that this sample paper on Contacts is for your review only. In order to eliminate any of the plagiarism issues, it is highly recommended that you do not use it for you own writing purposes. In case you experience difficulties with writing a well structured and accurately composed paper on Contacts, we are here to assist you.Your cheap custom college paper on Contacts will be written from scratch, so you do not have to worry about its originality.

Order your authentic assignment from Live Paper Help and you will be amazed at how easy it is to complete a quality custom paper within the shortest time possible!

Tuesday, July 21, 2020

Prostate Cancer

If you order your custom term paper from our custom writing service you will receive a perfectly written assignment on Prostate Cancer. What we need from you is to provide us with your detailed paper instructions for our experienced writers to follow all of your specific writing requirements. Specify your order details, state the exact number of pages required and our custom writing professionals will deliver the best quality Prostate Cancer paper right on time.

Our staff of freelance writers includes over 120 experts proficient in Prostate Cancer, therefore you can rest assured that your assignment will be handled by only top rated specialists. Order your Prostate Cancer paper at affordable prices !"Prostate Cancer"

The prostate gland is located between the bladder and in front of the rectum.The upper part of the urethra passes through the prostate gland, which can cause some serious problems if it becomes enlarged.They believe that the cancer is caused by changes in DNA. The reason for this is because some parts of the DNA give instructions to the cell about growth and division.This is where cancer comes into play, which is the division of cells gone mad.The genes that promote cell growth and division are oncogenes.When this happens, it creates a tumor.The tumor will either be benign or malignant.Benign tumors do not spread like the malignant ones.When a malignant tumor spreads, it is called metastasis.Prostate cancer is when a malignant tumor is found in the prostate gland.The severity determines what stage the cancer is in, it will be in T1, T, T, or T4."T1 and T are limited only to the prostate gland."(source 1)T is when the cancer has already made its way into the tissue.T4 is when the cancer is spread all across the body.There are three types of prostate diseasesbenign prostatic hyperplasia, prostatitis, and prostate cancer.

Benign prostatic hyperplasia is a not cancerous and is just and enlargement of the gland.It affects half of all men younger than 50 and 80% of men older than 60.These are some of the symptomsdifficulty urinating, an urge to urinate even when the bladder is empty, frequent urination, a weak or intermittent stream of urine, and a sense of incomplete emptying when urinating. Prostatitis is when the gland is inflamed because of abacterial infection.This disease affects men of all ages that have a sized prostate.Some of the symptoms for prostatitis are the same with benign prostatic hyperplasia.The symptoms forprostatitis are pain or burning during urination, chills and fever accompanied with urinating problems, difficulty urinating, and an urge to urinate even when the bladder is empty,

Prostate cancer in some of its early stages may not have any symptoms but as time goes on some things may begin to show.Prostate cancer shares treatments with both of the other diseases.Some of the symptoms of the cancer are a need to urinate frequently, especially at night, difficulty starting urination,

Cheap University Papers on Prostate Cancer

inability to urinate, weak or interrupted flow of urine, painful or burning urination,

painful ejaculation, blood in urine or semen, and frequent pain or stiffness in the back, hips, or upper thighs.

Two test are commonly used to determine if a male has prostate cancer, which are digital rectum and a blood test.Digital Rectum is when the doctor feels the prostate through the rectum to find hard places and lumps, which are called nodules.When the blood test is performed the doctor looks for a substance called prostate-specific antigen.The test are both used to detect abnormalities in the prostate gland.The abnormalities help the doctor see whether the patient has prostate cancer.Although, men should be aware that these test, they do not detect all types of prostate cancer.Sometimes the cancer can be spotted by the symptoms the patient is having.

Radiation is a treatment option that is less dramatic and helps in the beginning stages.It can be done through beams that direct the dose to the prostate outside the body. With radiation, side effects maybe depression, erectiledysfunction, swelling, urinary incontinence, bladder inflammation, bone marrow suppression, inflamed small intestine, and low blood count.Cryotherapyis when prostate tumors are killed by freezing.Cryotherapy is painful and expensive, but helps preserve sexual function.A side effect is urinary discomfort that will soon go away.One treatment is called watchful waiting in which nothing is done, but they are watched.They also may decide that surgery can be done to fix the problem.Chemotherapy may be used as a treatment option too. Some side effects of chemotherapy include bleeding, high risk infections, and lowered blood counts.Radioactive seed implant may be done to kill the cancer, also. A side effect is difficulty with urination, which can usually be managed with medicine and improves with time.During the procedure, radioactive seeds are implanted into the prostate gland using ultrasound guidance.The implants remain active for about 10 months inside the prostate gland.

Although, scientist still do not know where the cancer originates from and how it gets started, they do know that the cancer forms in African American men more than other races.Men who have a family history of prostate cancer are, also, at a high risk for the disease.Testosterone contributes to the growth of the tumor.Testosterone is the male sex hormone.

Prostate Cancer is the second leading cause of death in today's men.One in every six men who live to be 80 years old will experience the cancer. Prostate cancer is treatable in most cases, especially if caught in the early stages of development.Eighty-nine percent of men that have the cancer will live five years and 6% will live for 10 years or longer.

Please note that this sample paper on Prostate Cancer is for your review only. In order to eliminate any of the plagiarism issues, it is highly recommended that you do not use it for you own writing purposes. In case you experience difficulties with writing a well structured and accurately composed paper on Prostate Cancer, we are here to assist you.Your cheap custom college paper on Prostate Cancer will be written from scratch, so you do not have to worry about its originality.

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Monday, July 20, 2020


If you order your cheap essays from our custom writing service you will receive a perfectly written assignment on Beowulf. What we need from you is to provide us with your detailed paper instructions for our experienced writers to follow all of your specific writing requirements. Specify your order details, state the exact number of pages required and our custom writing professionals will deliver the best quality Beowulf paper right on time.

Our staff of freelance writers includes over 120 experts proficient in Beowulf, therefore you can rest assured that your assignment will be handled by only top rated specialists. Order your Beowulf paper at affordable prices


The Anglo-Saxon epic Beowulf is considered the most important piece of Old English literature.Written somewhat twelve hundred years ago, poet Geoffrey Chaucer uses Christian influences in Pagan characters to symbolize the elements of good and evil.Through the three battles fought between Beowulf and the representatives of evil, one is able to identify the biblical references made throughout the poem.Furthermore, one is able to recognize Beowulf as a messiah or Christ figure through his sacrificial endeavor.

In Beowulf, the theme of Christianity is clearly evident throughout the poem's entirety. Many Chaucerian critics have spoken of the Christian allusions woven in the story including FR. Klaeber who wrote,

"The Christian elements are almost without exception so deeply engrained in the very fabric of the poem that they cannot be explained away as the work of a reviser or interpolator" (Klaeber 1).These engrained elements Klaeber speaks of are strongly found in the battles of Beowulf and the three antagonists of the poem, Grendel, his mother and the dragon, whereas each battle represents the struggle between good and evil.

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Early in the poem, Beowulf appears as if an agent of God to "calm the turmoil and terror" (8) caused by Grendel's evil among the Danes.Beowulf, who is referred to as the "prince of goodness" (676) is symbolic of all that is pure and innocent while Grendel is described by the poet as "a fiend out of hell [who] began to work his evil in the world" (100-101).Through the poet's description, one sees Grendel as an advocate of evil, a product of God's curse upon Cain."Grendel was the name of this grim demon […] in misery among the banished monsters, Cain's clan, whom the Creator had outlawed and condemned as outcasts" (10-18).Klaeber describes Grendel as an "impersonation of evil and darkness, even an incarnation of the Christian devil" (Klaeber 1).Beowulf ultimately kills Grendel, the"captain of evil" (74).

The next antagonist Beowulf must battle is Grendel's motherwhom is described as a "monstrous hell-bride " (15) sprung from the misbegotten spirits of Cain.She is "grief-racked and ravenous, desperate for revenge" (178) due to the murder of her son.After Grendel's mother "avenged her son and wreaked desctruction" (178), Beowulf must descend into "some other world" (14) to find her.This other world seems to parallel the lakes of Hell, infested with "writhing sea-dragons […] serpents and wild things" (146-148) where the "water burns" (166).While Beowulf is battling the evil creature, he somehow slips and almost falls to his doom. However, through God's protection and "heaven's candle" brightly shining (1571) on Beowulf, he is able to rid the world of this devilish creature.By doing so, Beowulf once again serves as a Christian martyr providing salvation to the Danes.

In the last trilogy of battles, Beowulf, who is now an old man ruling as King must fight against a wicked dragon terrorizing his kingdom.In Harold Bloom's Modern Critical Interpretations of Beowulf, the author writes that the dragon is "referred in language which is mean to recall the powers of darkness with which Christian men felt themselves to be encompassed" (Bloom 18).In the poem, the dragon is described as if he is a guardian of hell, "the guardian of the mound […] the hoard-watcher" (0-0). Beowulf, aware of the doom he faces in battling the dragon has an apocalyptical vision of the outcome."After many trials, he was destined to face the end of his days, in this mortal world, as was the dragon" (41-4). Beowulf must face his final hour of battle, the last struggle between good and evil.As though this is the battle of Armageddon with all mankind looking towards him for salvation, Beowulf succeeds in destroying the last seed of evil but ultimately sacrifices his own life for his people.

Throughout the poem, Beowulf's character parallels strongly to Christ.Many times Beowulf is seen as a savior for ridding the Danes of their monsters.Upon Beowulf's arrival to the Shielding, the Queen of the Danes praises God for delivering Beowulf to save her people."With measured words she welcomed the Geat and thanked God for granting her wish that a deliverer she could believe in would arrive to ease their afflictions" (65-68).Beowulf, as Christ, acts as a sacrificial lamb by giving up his own life in order to save his people.Klaeber writes, "We might even feel inclined to recognize features of the Christian Savior in the destroyer of hellish fiends, the warrior brave and gentle, blameless in thought and deed, the King that dies for his people" (Klaeber 1).Beowulfian critic Father M.B. McNamee goes on to say, " all three of Beowulf's great fights against the poem's monsters strongly suggested the struggle of good against evil, the process of conversion and salvation, and the life and death of Christ" (Clark15-16).

In the poem Beowulf, Chaucer uses many Christian elements to symbolize the struggle of good against evil.In the battles of the of the three monsters, we are not only able to see the biblical references made but how Beowulf is looked upon as a Christ figure for sacrificing his life.

Please note that this sample paper on Beowulf is for your review only. In order to eliminate any of the plagiarism issues, it is highly recommended that you do not use it for you own writing purposes. In case you experience difficulties with writing a well structured and accurately composed paper on Beowulf, we are here to assist you.Your cheap custom research papers on Beowulf will be written from scratch, so you do not have to worry about its originality.

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If you order your custom term paper from our custom writing service you will receive a perfectly written assignment on EMANCIPATION PROCLAMATION. What we need from you is to provide us with your detailed paper instructions for our experienced writers to follow all of your specific writing requirements. Specify your order details, state the exact number of pages required and our custom writing professionals will deliver the best quality EMANCIPATION PROCLAMATION paper right on time.

Our staff of freelance writers includes over 120 experts proficient in EMANCIPATION PROCLAMATION, therefore you can rest assured that your assignment will be handled by only top rated specialists. Order your EMANCIPATION PROCLAMATION paper at affordable prices with !Abraham Lincoln was the 16th president of the United States and a great leader in American history. He served as president from 1861-1865 after a tough election.

Abraham attended an abc school when he was younger but only when his father could spare him from chores. He was taught by a teacher who was barely more educated than her/his pupils. Lincoln had less than one full year of formal education in his entire life. Abe,a nickname he developed at an early age, was one of the smartest kids in his class though. At an early age he could read, write, and do similier arithmetic.

In 180 a disease called mild sick spread once again so in march the Lincolns decided to set out for the illnois country. Abe, now about the age of 1 and already 6ft.4in. tall became interested in politics. He was a store clerk and could read all the books, newspapers, and political tracts that came his way. One member had this reaction to lincoln?s first debate ?A perceptible smile at once lit up the face of the audience, for all anticipated the relation of some humerous story. But the opened up didcussion in splendid style, to the infinite astonishment of his friends?.. He pursued the question with reason and argument so pithy and forcible that we were all amazed. Abraham decided to run for a seat in the Illinois house of representatives, in the spring of 18, Unfortunatley, Linclon was defeated by Andrew Jackson. He again ran in 184. He was elected in 186, 188, and 1840. In 187 Lincoln took his first public stand on slavery. Linclon and a college declared that slavery was ?founded on both injustice and bad politics?? Slavery in the United States existed as an institution from the early 17th century until 1865. Even though Lincoln was against slavery 1 other presidents of the United States were slaves owners. Slavery has appeared throughout history in many forms and places. Usually forced labor designed for the production of crops. Slaves would grow tobacco, work on farms, grow rice, cattle herding, and anything else their owner asked them to do. Every African American, slave and free, worked in a wide variety of occupations. They were household workers, Sailors, preachers, accountants, music teachers, medical assistants, black smiths, brick layers, and carpenters, doing any work American Society required. Most slaves were African American but others where Europeans. Slavery started in some eastern states, It spread quickly in the American colonies. Most of the slavery was in the east and south sides of the United States. In fact the North had no slavery.

Because of the argument of slaves the civil war broke out. The American civil war was a military conflict between the United States and the confederate states. They fought from 1861 to 1865. It took many lives. (Approximently 600,000.) But it gave freedom to 4 million slaves. The slaves weren?t just released though. During the American civil war onJanuary 1, 186 Abraham Lincoln issued the Emancipation Proclamation, a document that declared all ?slaves within any state, or designated part of a state?.then?.in rebellion,?.shall then, thence forward, and forever free.?

The federal government would compensate slave owners who freed their slaves. They would give them money.

Emancipation Proclamation has been noted to be one of the great state documents of the United States.

African Americans arrived in America in the 15th century until present day. By 1750 there were near 40,000 African American people, about 0 percent of the population. The Emancipation Proclamation changed the lives of billions. Previous slave owners now had to fend for themselves, and black Americans were left to try to make families of their own. Although slavery was abolished black Americans were treated differently. They were yet to have civil rights afforded all white people. In the last two decades of the 1th century blacks were ignored and stripped from their rights. Separate facilities for blacks and whites became a basic rule in the south. Civil rights for blacks became a major political issue in the 150s. They had separate schools for children, separate restaurants, restrooms, drinking fountains, and living quarters. Blacks were not allowed anywhere near whites, and if they were to stand up for their rights they were arrested and treated like criminals and second class citizens. Protesters were common in the 150?s. But there were Martin Luther king Jr. and rosa Parks, who are only two of many black Americans who stood up for black American civil rights. Martin Luther king Jr. addressed the crowd and told them about his dream for equality and unity in America. Rosa Parks was a very famous black American. In 155 she was arrested for disobeying a law in Alabama. She was ordered to give up her bus seat to a white person, this incident received national attention and forced city officials to repeal the discriminatory law.

Today black Americans live freely and are no longer treated as slaves or second class citizens, but as white Americans are treated, with respect.

Please note that this sample paper on EMANCIPATION PROCLAMATION is for your review only. In order to eliminate any of the plagiarism issues, it is highly recommended that you do not use it for you own writing purposes. In case you experience difficulties with writing a well structured and accurately composed paper on EMANCIPATION PROCLAMATION, we are here to assist you.Your cheap custom college paper on EMANCIPATION PROCLAMATION will be written from scratch, so you do not have to worry about its originality.

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Friday, July 17, 2020

Geder Role Stereotyping

If you order your custom term paper from our custom writing service you will receive a perfectly written assignment on Geder Role Stereotyping. What we need from you is to provide us with your detailed paper instructions for our experienced writers to follow all of your specific writing requirements. Specify your order details, state the exact number of pages required and our custom writing professionals will deliver the best quality Geder Role Stereotyping paper right on time.

Our staff of freelance writers includes over 120 experts proficient in Geder Role Stereotyping, therefore you can rest assured that your assignment will be handled by only top rated specialists. Order your Geder Role Stereotyping paper at affordable prices !What types of gender specific trends did you find for the five categories of toys?

•ConstructionI observed one construction toy and it was marketed to both girls and boys

•SportsI observed one sports toy and it was marketed without gender specific packaging

•Career/Role ModelI observed two career/role model toys that were marketed without gender specific packaging

•Domestic/Make BelieveI observed several make believe toys and they were marketed to both genders, although most items you could infer who they were targeting.For example, the Cap Gun and Uniform Walkie Talkie Set were probably intended to entice boys.

•DollsI observed several dolls and it appears that there are just as many dolls for young boys as there are for young girls.But as the age groups increase, the boy dolls become action heroes.

.Explain how this assignment contributed to your perceptions of gender role stereotyping by giving examples from what you observed.

I was aware of marketing stereotypes prior to this assignment, but this assignment helped me to further recognize marketing strategies that may not be as overt as others.For a traditional "boy" toy that both boys and girls may enjoy using, the advertisement will include both boys and girls.But they are sure to include more boys than girls.For toys that promoted cooking or cleaning, I did not see any males included in the advertisement.I do not blame the marketing executives for exploiting these stereotypes, because they did not create the stereotypes.Society as a whole is responsible for creating these stereotypes and will ultimately be responsible for changing them.I am sure that as society's views of the gender roles change, which the marketing strategies will also adapt to the change.

.Identify the commercials observed during children's television programs.Describe the types of products they were marketing.What types of messages do you think this is sending children?

The first commercial that I observed showed several dolls that were referred to as "My Scene" dolls.They showed little girls playing with them and then they cut to scenes of the animated dolls dancing at what appeared to be a club.The message in this commercial was about partying and having fun with these new age dolls.

The second commercial that I observed showed a couple of boys playing with Hot Wheels Die Cast Race Cars.The commercial showed how much fun you can have with the little cars and how fast they can be.This seemed to express the idea that boys should like shiny, fast cars.

The third commercial that I observed showed an animation of the Rugrats all in one room dancing to the latest music and then followed with a display of the dancing toys with a boy and girl playing with them.The Rugrats has a good gender mix and their message seems to promote harmony and no gender-specific stereotypes.This commercial was just about having fun with some cool new toy, no matter what gender you are (because they have several toys for both genders).

The fourth commercial involved Legos and had the typical stereotype of a boy construction some object.This commercial explicitly expressed the stereotype that boys should be able to build and create things.

The fifth commercial involved a Leap Pad product.Leap Pad is one of the leading sellers of children's educational toys and normally appeals to both genders, although the commercial that I observed only contained a little boy.

The sixth commercial was for a new Barbie.The Salon Surprise Barbie was target specifically at little girls.The doll has the latest hair attachments and styling tools, which feeds into the idea of girls wanting to style hair and create pretty new designs.Hair styling is traditionally a female trade.

The seventh commercial involved a Bob the Builder Toy Set.The message and gender stereotyping here was the same as for the Legos, that boys are natural builders.

The eighth commercial was for Power Wheels toy vehicles.The majority of the children shown were boys and this feeds into the idea that boys should love car and be good drivers.The girls' vehicles were pretty and it seemed to be more about style than the ability to drive.

The ninth commercial that I observed was for the Easy Bake Oven.Again, the stereotype that females enjoy cooking was present.The little girls were displayed as little homemakers that were exciting to be doing something that they were "naturally" good at.

The tenth commercial was for Bratz Dolls.These dolls promote getting dressed up and ready to go out.The stereotype that females should have a "Passion for Fashion" is present here.

The eleventh commercial that I viewed was for a Singing Starz Karaoke Machine.In this situation, they used a young girl to market the product but did not dress her up to fit any stereotype.This commercial did not appear to be targeting a specific gender, just the average child.

The last commercial that I observed was for Street Flyers Retractable In-Line Skates.A young boy was used in this commercial to show the male stereotype that boys should be involved in or at least attracted to exciteme

Please note that this sample paper on Geder Role Stereotyping is for your review only. In order to eliminate any of the plagiarism issues, it is highly recommended that you do not use it for you own writing purposes. In case you experience difficulties with writing a well structured and accurately composed paper on Geder Role Stereotyping, we are here to assist you.Your cheap custom college paper on Geder Role Stereotyping will be written from scratch, so you do not have to worry about its originality.

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Wednesday, July 15, 2020


If you order your research paper from our custom writing service you will receive a perfectly written assignment on fate. What we need from you is to provide us with your detailed paper instructions for our experienced writers to follow all of your specific writing requirements. Specify your order details, state the exact number of pages required and our custom writing professionals will deliver the best quality fate paper right on time.

Our staff of freelance writers includes over 120 experts proficient in fate, therefore you can rest assured that your assignment will be handled by only top rated specialists. Order your fate paper at affordable prices


. The inevitable events predestined by this force.

Macbeth is the story of a driven ambition that ignores moral consideration. Macbeth and Lady Macbeth kill more and more people in a frenzied attempt to take and protect their ill-gotten power as rulers of Scotland. This drive of ambition became the fuel to run his life.

Macbeth is a man, like all men, who is troubled by his conflict between conscience and loyalty. He suffers the pain of murderous ambitious. Shakespeare makes us feel Macbeth's pain and anguish. Macbeth allows himself to be led to evil, initially by the witches predictions, and then by his wifes provoking.Before he meets the witches he is content with his position in life. He is loyal to the king. He is gallant in his battle against the rebels.In a report of Macbeths victory over the rebels, a sergeant emphasizes Macbeths courage. Even when it looks like fate is smiling on the enemy, brave Macbeth…well he deserves that name…. Disdaining Fortuneplunges fearlessly into battle and wins the victory.At this point if Macbeth had any ambition as to glory and power, would he have not allied him self with the rebels?Custom Essays on fate

It is only when he begins to believe that the Crown may be within his reach that his ambition grows. But his ambition is tempered by his sense of duty and loyalty. His internal conflict is deep and haunting. He cannot bring himself to act. It is his wife's goading that pushes him to commit his crimes.

If the witches prophecies are good, he asks himself, why do I yield to that suggestion / Whose horrid image doth unfix my hair / And make my seated heart knock at my ribs, / Against

the use of nature?Suggestion meaning temptation, so Macbeth is asking himself why he feels himself giving into temptation, especially a temptation that makes his heart race and his hair stand on end. Then Macbeth pulls himself together, at least to a certain extent. But he later remarks to himself that if the witches prophecies are right, he wont have to do a thing to become king. As he says, If chance will have me king, why, chance may crown me,… Without my stir.Not only that, but Come what come may, … Time and the hour runs through the roughest day , In other words, the thought of murdering his king has Macbeth all shaken up, but he hopes hell get over it.

Is his wife the instrument of his ambition? Or did he tell his wife of his meeting of the witches knowing that she would encourage him to perform his evil deeds. In his letter to his wife about the witches prophecies, Macbeth writes, This have I thought good to deliver thee, my dearest partner of greatness, that thou mightst not lose the dues of rejoicing, by being ignorant of what greatness is promised thee . He knows that his partner will like the idea of being Queen and seems to offer the news as a kind of present.

Lady Macbeth does indeed like the idea of being Queen, but shes afraid that her husband is too full o the milk of humankindness, To catch the nearest way.But shes sure she has no such problem, and shes eager for the chance to make him see things her way. Holding the letter, and speaking to Macbeth , even though he hasnt arrived yet, she says, Hie thee hither, That I may pour my spirits in thine ear; And chastise with the valour of my tongue,All that impedes

thee from the golden round, . Some might say that shes going to nag him, but I think she believes that she is going to empower him to reach his rightful station. She will work to make him ashamed of everything in him that prevents him from being evil enough to be king. I think Macbeth knows that alone he dose not have the strength to do the evil, he knows his wife will force him to do the crime. In the short run this will allow him to ease is conscience and fulfill his ambitious deed. Macbeth is a warrior and has killed men, but hes never murdered anyone. Macbeths fear is normal, murder, or even the thought of doing a murder is against his character.

Another comparison may be that of Adam and Eve to the reasoning of Macbeth's actions. Theway this works into the story is that Macbeth is like Adam and is willing to do what it take but wants to put the blame on Lady Macbeth who is like Eve. In the Bible the story goes that Eve tempted by the snake eats of the fruit and then tempts Adam. Say Macbeth telling the Lady Macbeth the premonitions of the witches, this my mean nothing but the comparison with the Bible begins. When Lady Macbeth hears of this she becomes tempted like Eve. Then she influences Macbeth there by tempting him like Eve did Adam. This shows that those turn of events compare to the bible as well as the fact that Macbeth is in need of someone to blame for his action.

The effects of Macbeth and his ambition lead him to his short rise and his down fall. If he would have been patient he would have had the chance to become a great leader. Due to his impatient and fear of Banquo's children becoming the new rulers his ability to think clearly was fogged and would become haunted by his actions. This led to his delusions and added to his ambitions. The ambitions he had were his character flaws and led to his ruin and the rise of a

newking. Not only did he lose his thrown he lost his life and the name of Macbeth became tarnished as a result of his actions.

Please note that this sample paper on fate is for your review only. In order to eliminate any of the plagiarism issues, it is highly recommended that you do not use it for you own writing purposes. In case you experience difficulties with writing a well structured and accurately composed paper on fate, we are here to assist you.Yourpersuasive essay on fate will be written from scratch, so you do not have to worry about its originality.

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Monday, July 13, 2020


If you order your research paper from our custom writing service you will receive a perfectly written assignment on Biology. What we need from you is to provide us with your detailed paper instructions for our experienced writers to follow all of your specific writing requirements. Specify your order details, state the exact number of pages required and our custom writing professionals will deliver the best quality Biology paper right on time.

Our staff of freelance writers includes over 120 experts proficient in Biology, therefore you can rest assured that your assignment will be handled by only top rated specialists. Order your Biology paper at affordable prices


a.What is air pollution?

i.Human caused air degradation (something humans do to worsen air)

b.Natural vs. human-caused air degradationOrder Custom Biology paper

II.5 main types of air pollutants (of 7 designated in the U.S. Clean Air Act of 170)

a.Particulate materials

i.What tiny solid or liquid matter suspended in the atmosphere as aerosols

ii.Examples dust, smoke, pollen, spores

iii.Sources burning of coal, wood, and other organic materials, soils, volcanic ash

iv.Effects can lead to a variety of respiratory (breathing) problems such as bronchitis and emphysema

b.Volatile Organic Compounds (VOC)

i.What organic compounds that are in the form of a gas in the atmosphere

ii.Examples terpenes (why Christmas trees smell nice) toxic ones include benzene and formaldehyde

iii.Sources forests, gasoline, chemical plants

iv.Effects toxic VOC's can have serious effects on human health

1.(e.g. methyl isocyanate gas from a pesticide plant owned by a subsidiary of Union Carbide Corporation killed several thousand people in India in 184)

c.Carbon Monoxide (CO)

i.What inorganic carbon compound that is highly toxic to animals, including humans; odorless and colorless

ii.Sources processes where fuel is not completely burned

1.(e.g. gas furnace, cars, exhaust; most of anthropogenic (human caused) CO is from transportation

iii.Effectsleading cause of accidental poisoning deaths in the U.S

d.Sulfur dioxide (SO)

i.Whatcolorless inorganic gas containing sulfur

ii.Sourcesvarious natural sources, main anthropogenic source is combustion of fossil fuels containing sulfur (coal, oil)

iii.Effectsreacts with water vapor in atmosphere to form acid rain

1.SO + HO à HNO(sulfuric acid)

.The acidity of rain is described by pH

a.Measure of the amount of positively charged hydrogen atoms

.Variation in the acidity of rain in U.S

4.Consequences of acid rain on ecosystems

a.Can make effected lakes unsuitable for some fish species (e.g. rainbow trout begin to die at a pH5)

e.Nitrogen Oxides (NO, NO)

i.What colorless inorganic gas containing nitrogen

ii.Sourcesprocesses that combust nitrogen containing compounds such as fossil fuels (gasoline, oil) at high temperatures

iii.Effectsreacts with water in atmosphere to form acid rain

1.e.g.NO + HO àHNO

.Reacts with ultraviolet light (UV) to eventually form ozone (O) in troposphere

a.NO + UV àNO + O

b.O + O à O (ozone)

f.Is CO a pollutant?

III.Components of atmosphere

a.Atmospherelayer of air surrounding earth

b.Tropospherelowest layer in atmosphere, 5 to 10 miles high

c.Stratospherelayer on top of troposphere extends to about 0 miles high

IV.Ozone (O)

a.Ozone in troposphere ("Bad" ozone)

i.Role of ultraviolet light and NO

ii. Type of weather that leads to ozone formation in the troposphere

1.Hot, sunny days contribute to ozone formation in troposphere

iii.Where ozone tends to be most abundant

1.Typically in urban areas

iv.Effects on human health

1.Can cause permanent damage to the lungs, also can cause nausea and throat irritation and can worsen heart disease

v.Effects on plants

1.Responsible for $500 million/year in crop damages

.Tends to make plants more susceptible to disease, insects, and other pollutants

b.Ozone in the stratosphere ("Good" ozone)

i.Ozone in the stratosphere is produced by a reaction between O and ultraviolet light (UV)

1.O + UV à O + O

.O + O à O

ii.Ozone in stratosphere absorbs UV-b, most harmful type of UV to humans

1.Effects of UV-b on humans

.Chlorofluorocarbons (CFC's)

.Levels of ozone in the stratosphere

4.Ozone "hole" over Antarctica

5.Many countries have banned the use of CFC's

V.Air pollution control

a.Clean Air Act of 16

b.170 amendments to Clean Air Act established national air quality standards for a variety of pollutants

c.10 amendments to Clean Air Act

d.Changes in air quality in the U.S.

Day 0


I.History of energy use

a.Prior to the Industrial revolution Wood

i.Wood was main source of energy for cooking and heating

b.Mid to late 1800s Coal

i.Steam engine converted heat energy to energy motion

c.Early 100s beginning of oil use

i.Early use of oil was primarily to make kerosene for lamps

ii.By 10, 8 million cars in U.S.

d.In 150s-60 economic boom in the U.S.; oil demand and use surged

i.Increasing demands for oil (by 1 à 16 million cars)


iii.U.S. became increasingly reliant on foreign sources of oil

e.In 17, Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC) formed, this led to higher prices for oil

i.OPEC oil embargo imposed on the U.S.


a.Price of oil in U.S went up dramatically

b.Gasoline shortages in U.S

.In 178, CAFÉ (corporate average fuel efficiency) standards enacted; in 185 standards raised so cars on average had to get 7.5 mpg and light trucks 0 mpg

a.In 185 CAFÉ standards raised

.Beginning in 10s SUVs

a.Partly in response to cheaper gasoline prices in 10s SUVs became very popular (most get 10-18 mpg and are exempt from CAFÉ standards)

f.Breakdown of energy inputs and consumption in U.S in 16

i.Total domestic energy production is greater to total energy imports

ii.For oil, imports exceed domestic sources

iii.Order of energy consumption in U.S.

1.Oil = %

.Natural gas = %

.Coal = %

4.Renewable = 7%

5.Nuclear = 8%

Please note that this sample paper on Biology is for your review only. In order to eliminate any of the plagiarism issues, it is highly recommended that you do not use it for you own writing purposes. In case you experience difficulties with writing a well structured and accurately composed paper on Biology, we are here to assist you.Yourpersuasive essay on Biology will be written from scratch, so you do not have to worry about its originality.

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