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"When I had been there a little longer, and had seen this phase of crystal clearness followed by long stretches of sunless cold; when the storms of February had pitched their white tents about the devoted village and the wild cavalry of March winds had charged down to their support; I began to understand why Starkfield emerged from its six months' siege like a starve garrison capitulating without quarter."(5)
In this quotation imagery in Ethan Frome is very vivid as the narrator describes his experience during a winter in Starkfield.The explicit statement in the quotation is describing Starkfield as a cold and harsh environment in the winter.One of the principal themes throughout the novella is that the cold winters acts as a power that oppresses a person's spirit.For example, an inhabitant in Starkfield states that Ethan Frome has "been in Starkfield for too many winters," he means that Ethan has been in Starkfield for too long with the climate and the climate oppresses a person's feelings.Therefore, he really means that Ethan has oppressed his feelings for too long. The book proposes that when winter arrives and buries everything in snow, it also buries a persons emotions and dreams with it.Ethan Frome's emotions and dreams also becomes buried and destroyed by the "long stretches of sunless cold."
Furthermore, the quotation contains a metaphor, which presents the winter as being a militia. It is actually describes snow as "white tents" and that the wind is so fierce that it "charges down to their support".The comparison is important because it further establishes the theme of winter being an oppressive power.In most cases militias act as an oppressive power as well.
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